dynamic images in form reports

Has anyone done dynamic images displayed in form reports?    I have a binary UET on the employee form, and have modified the employee form to upload/store/display the employee signature as an image (and that works perfectly).    I cannot however, get that field to display properly on a customized form report.    Any help or tips is appreciated.

  • Not sure you can do it that way. There is no image component in Form Reports that displays binary code. For the ones I had to do, you have to upload the images first through the Images menu option when designing a form, or through Form Sync. Then you can have layout components on the Form report that hold each of your static images. Then use the Visible When property to toggle them on and off based on a flag field in your report procedure. I tried using a property for the image name, but it didn't work and support pointed me back to the method I described earlier.
  • Not sure you can do it that way. There is no image component in Form Reports that displays binary code. For the ones I had to do, you have to upload the images first through the Images menu option when designing a form, or through Form Sync. Then you can have layout components on the Form report that hold each of your static images. Then use the Visible When property to toggle them on and off based on a flag field in your report procedure. I tried using a property for the image name, but it didn't work and support pointed me back to the method I described earlier.
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