Confirmation message?

I have a button to save some process in my APPayments Form.

In this Form i have a Button to generate an XML and set the Payment as "Generated".

When click the button, the process run and set the values.

But... I need a confirmation message on this button:

Ok: run the process normal

Cancel: this option cancel the process to set the "Generated" value


How can i set a confirmation message?

I code in Visual Basic.


Sorry for my english

  • The Help documentation from Mongoose is a little vague on this-- however after some fiddling around i got you some info.

    Infor Docs for Application.ShowMessage:

    The signatures:

    'Public Function ShowMessage(Prompt As String, Style As Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle, Caption As String) As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult': Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle' to 'String'.
    'Public Function ShowMessage(Prompt As String, Buttons As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle, Icon As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle) As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult': Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle' to 'Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle'.

    So to accomplish what you're wanting to do you could simply use the second one. This one allows the use of an Icon on the messagebox whereas the first one does not.

    Public Function ShowMessage(Prompt As String, Buttons As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle, Icon As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle) As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult

     An example for this particular signature would be:

    If Application.ShowMessage("Do you want to continue", Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle.wsOKCancel, Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle.wsQuestion) = Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult.wsOK Then
         Application.ShowMessage("You clicked OK")
        Application.ShowMessage("You clicked cancel")
    End If

    Let me know how this works for you.

  • The Help documentation from Mongoose is a little vague on this-- however after some fiddling around i got you some info.

    Infor Docs for Application.ShowMessage:

    The signatures:

    'Public Function ShowMessage(Prompt As String, Style As Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle, Caption As String) As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult': Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle' to 'String'.
    'Public Function ShowMessage(Prompt As String, Buttons As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle, Icon As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle) As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult': Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle' to 'Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle'.

    So to accomplish what you're wanting to do you could simply use the second one. This one allows the use of an Icon on the messagebox whereas the first one does not.

    Public Function ShowMessage(Prompt As String, Buttons As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle, Icon As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle) As Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult

     An example for this particular signature would be:

    If Application.ShowMessage("Do you want to continue", Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle.wsOKCancel, Mongoose.Scripting.wsMessageStyle.wsQuestion) = Mongoose.Scripting.wsMsgBoxResult.wsOK Then
         Application.ShowMessage("You clicked OK")
        Application.ShowMessage("You clicked cancel")
    End If

    Let me know how this works for you.

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