SoHo Lookup Component

I'm trying to use the SoHo Lookup component on a Mongoose form.  When running the form, the Lookup component will show me the count of the results.  But it doesn't show me a list of the results to choose one. 

I've successfully used the SoHo Auto Complete component.  The Auto Complete component will show me a list of items matching what I've typed in a will let me select one.  I have also successfully used the Framework DropList component.  For all three of these components, I use the List Source property to set the IDO to use to fill the component.  

Is there something else I need to do on the SoHo Lookup component in order to get it to show the list of results?

  • It is quite old, but I am in same situation. When I am using this method for fill SoHo Lookup component with data ListSourceScriptAddListItem

    I receive only window with count of result.

    Did you find any solution for this?

  • Base Mongoose contains a sample SOHO User Components form. Whether or not you can access this form will depend on your security settings.

    Reviewing that form, I don't see that the SOHO lookup component has been fully implemented within Mongoose. If you have access to you can get examples of JSON data to populate the component with, though you will have to devise your own process to populate the component's data.

  • Base Mongoose contains a sample SOHO User Components form. Whether or not you can access this form will depend on your security settings.

    Reviewing that form, I don't see that the SOHO lookup component has been fully implemented within Mongoose. If you have access to you can get examples of JSON data to populate the component with, though you will have to devise your own process to populate the component's data.

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