Create customer order in C# using REST service IDOs (SLCos and SLCoitems). SLCos order totals not updating.

I'm trying to create customer orders using REST web service calls to SLCos and SLCoitems IDOs. I can get both populated and return values indicate success. I also see the resulting data for both the header and the lines afterwards. The problem is that the insert of the SLCoitems records didn't update the header total values. The SLCoitems records also didn't get their item descriptions or costs automatically populated by the insert.

Any ideas? Things to try?

  • For the total values to fill in I found you need these minimum properties filled in to the SLCoitems:


    You shouldn't have to run any methods to update it.

    As for the description pretty sure you will have to look it up from the SLitems IDO and fill it in.

  • RCostello,

    I was missing the item description and the cost numbers and added them. The manually created orders didn't have taxcode1 and taxcode2 set, but I tried that as well.

    Then my fun started. Initially I didn't see a ShipSite attribute in the SLCoitems IDO, so was going in circles on finding way to set it. Eventually I decided to just set ShipSite. Bingo it worked!!! I also found it in the IDO definition after that.

    Thank you very much for your list.

    Odd that Infor doesn't respond with an error message if you are not passing it required fields Disappointed

  • RCostello,

    I was missing the item description and the cost numbers and added them. The manually created orders didn't have taxcode1 and taxcode2 set, but I tried that as well.

    Then my fun started. Initially I didn't see a ShipSite attribute in the SLCoitems IDO, so was going in circles on finding way to set it. Eventually I decided to just set ShipSite. Bingo it worked!!! I also found it in the IDO definition after that.

    Thank you very much for your list.

    Odd that Infor doesn't respond with an error message if you are not passing it required fields Disappointed

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