User Context Variables in a Search Query - Infor OS App Designer

Has anyone utilized user-specific variables for the input of an App Designer widget - example {USID}, {WHLO}? I am able to do that in the input of an information monitor or information viewer, but was wondering if that is possible or if anyone has utilized these variables in the input of a search query on the App Designer?

  • Related Question, when I try to create a data service for OIS100MI it only returns the first 100 records, so I cannot select /SearchHead as it does not appear, does anyone know how I can rectify this ? Or would it be possible for someone to email me the Data Service definition so I can import it ? 

  • Related Question, when I try to create a data service for OIS100MI it only returns the first 100 records, so I cannot select /SearchHead as it does not appear, does anyone know how I can rectify this ? Or would it be possible for someone to email me the Data Service definition so I can import it ? 
